How to work when you are on your period
The Agenda. Blog

Have you ever been zipping through work and feeling on top of it when you hit a slump and feel off your game? Do you ever wonder when you get your period a few days later and are slogging through work if it could be any easier? At The Agenda, when we first put together the period planner, we realized the power syncing your cycle with your business could have. We’ve written a series of blogs about working with other stages of your cycle here, but let’s dive into how to work when you are on your period. 

The Agenda app helps track your period and symptoms, and with that, you can get a clear picture of where you are in your cycle so you can plan your work around it. Unfortunately, there are no days granted off for when you are bleeding across the board (yet!) in most jobs. Still, if you are aware of your cycle and when you get your period, you can plan your work around it instead of trying to muscle through it. 

What is menstruation?

Menstruation is the phase of your cycle when you bleed. Lasting anywhere from three to eight days, the color of blood can change throughout those days depending on how much you are bleeding. This phase is usually what people mean by ‘your cycle,’ when in reality, your cycle is four distinct phases. During menstruation, progesterone is high, and estrogen is low, leading to irritability, sluggishness, cravings, brain fog, and more. During this stage, you also have an increased awareness of what is working and what needs to be addressed. Bleeding for four days straight will shorten your capacity for unaligned things, but your ability to imagine what is possible and what you need will be heightened. 

So, how to work when you are on your period?

When you bleed is the perfect time to do busy work that isn’t fun but doesn’t take a lot of brain power. If you have easy tasks, do them here, or if most of your job is outward facing to others, do the back end work of your job during this time so you can keep your energy output to a minimum, as overstretching your energetic capacity can lead to being sharp, short, and exhausted, none of which will help your bottom line in the end. Due to your ability to see clearly what isn’t working (although this is not the time for hard conversations), it is an excellent time to do so by mapping, journaling, and exploring what the next steps can be in your business and job. 

Things to do when you are working during menstruation.

*Inward or ‘in-the-business’ work

*Busy work

*Repetitive tasks

*Getting to the root of an issue or project problem

*Vision for the upcoming month

*Let go of what’s not working

Work-related questions to ask yourself when you are on your period.

*How can I utilize my limited capacity this week in a way that honors where I am?

*What isn’t working? Why?

*What do I see that is incongruent? Where would I like to grow this month?

*Is there anything I’m doing within my business that is not in alignment with my big-picture goals?

Learn more about tracking your cycle and harness your cycle for your work and life by downloading our App in the Apple or Google Play Stores today!