Why Men Should Understand Menstruation
Perhaps you were one of the kids in 5th grade who got kicked out of the room when the girls and boys split up to talk about puberty. Maybe you’ve heard over the years that girls bleed, don’t feel good when they do, and can get moody. This is a true statement for most people who bleed, but it’s not the whole story. Not knowing much about periods wouldn’t be such a problem if it wasn’t for the sheer amount of ignorance about women’s bodies leading to harmful legislation, period shaming, and even the tampon tax. This isn’t just men who don’t understand menstruation, but people of all walks of life.
If you’ve thought a woman can just hold in her period, or that pads aren’t essential feminine hygiene (like this guy) then keep reading to get a heads up on the basics and an invitation to get the Free book Manstruation which is a field guide for men to understand menstruation so they can be better allies, friends, and help erase period poverty and shame in our world.
What is a period?
A period or menstruation is one of the four phases in a woman’s menstrual cycle, where she bleeds for three to seven days. The blood is the shedding of her uterine lining. The lining grows during the follicular stage as a person prepares for a baby in the first of their four menstrual cycle stages. If the egg does implant with sperm, then the uterine lining is shed through this time. Her period may change in color, texture, or flow throughout that time.
Why should men know and understand menstruation?
Periods don’t just affect those who bleed, but they directly impact the people around them. A person’s cycle can impact the way they move through the world. Even if it sounds cliche and silly to blame mood changes on a period, it’s helpful to know if other factors are in play. Not only that but empathy goes a long way. You can give extra patience if you understand what a body goes through during menstruation.
Lastly, it’s important to know because reproductive rights are rolling back across the states. White men are at the center of many of these laws; most have no basic understanding of female anatomy and how periods work. When you have the right information, you can help others around you when they say inaccurate or wrong things. Today, we need all hands on deck to reduce the harm being done both in and out of legislative sessions.
If you aren’t a guy, this book is an excellent refresher on periods and what happens during a person’s cycle. This collection of stories, facts, insight, and information is also perfect for teens who want an easy read about the four phases!
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