Syncing Your Hormonal Cycle with the Moon
Anna Sneed

Title: Syncing Your Hormonal Cycle with the Moon: A Guide for Women Without Menstruation

A guide for those who don’t menstruate

Understanding the Moon’s Phases

Many women find themselves in a position where their menstrual cycles are no longer a guiding force in their lives. This can be due to a variety of reasons including menopause, hysterectomy, or certain health conditions. Yet, the desire to feel connected to natural rhythms remains strong. One beautiful way to achieve this is by syncing your hormonal cycle with the phases of the moon. This ancient practice can help you stay in tune with natural cycles, promote balance, and enhance overall well-being. Here’s how to do it.

Before diving into the syncing process, it’s important to understand the different phases of the moon:

  1. New Moon: A time for new beginnings and setting intentions.
  2. Waxing Crescent: A period of growth and development.
  3. First Quarter: A time for action and overcoming obstacles.
  4. Waxing Gibbous: A phase of refinement and adjustment.
  5. Full Moon: A time of fruition, celebration, and heightened energy.
  6. Waning Gibbous: A phase of release and letting go.
  7. Last Quarter: A period of rest and reflection.
  8. Waning Crescent: A time of retreat and preparation for the new cycle.

Syncing Your Cycle

  1. New Moon Rituals: Begin your moon cycle with the new moon. This is a time for setting intentions for the month ahead. Create a ritual that involves quiet reflection, journaling, or meditation. Focus on what you want to invite into your life.
  2. Tracking and Journaling: Keep a moon journal where you track the moon phases and your emotional, physical, and mental states. Noticing patterns over time will help you align more closely with the moon’s energy.
  3. Diet and Nutrition: Align your diet with the moon phases. For example, during the waxing moon (from new moon to full moon), focus on nourishing and building foods that support growth and energy. During the waning moon (from full moon to new moon), emphasize cleansing and detoxifying foods.
  4. Physical Activities: Sync your physical activities with the moon phases. Engage in more vigorous activities like cardio or weight training during the waxing phase and full moon. In the waning phase, focus on gentle exercises like yoga, tai chi, or walking.
  5. Meditation and Mindfulness: Each moon phase carries specific energies. Use meditation to tap into these energies. For example, during the full moon, practice gratitude meditation, and during the new moon, engage in setting intentions.
  6. Sleep Cycles: Pay attention to your sleep patterns and adjust them according to the moon phases. You might find that you need more rest during the waning phase and feel more energetic and need less sleep during the waxing phase.

Herbal and Aromatherapy Support

Herbs and essential oils can also support syncing with the moon. For instance:

  • New Moon: Lavender and chamomile can help with setting intentions and calming the mind.
  • Full Moon: Use energizing oils like rosemary or peppermint to harness the heightened energy.
  • Waning Moon: Sage and frankincense can aid in letting go and detoxifying.

Creating a Supportive Environment

Make your living space a sanctuary that reflects the moon phases. Use soft, dim lighting and calming colors during the waning phase, and brighter, more vibrant settings during the waxing phase. This environmental alignment can subtly support your internal rhythms.

Connecting with the Lunar Community

Join a community or group of women who are also interested in syncing with the moon. Sharing experiences and rituals can enhance your connection to the lunar cycle and provide support and inspiration.


Even without menstruation, syncing your hormonal cycle with the moon can be a deeply rewarding practice. It can provide structure, balance, and a sense of connection to the natural world. By following the moon’s phases and integrating rituals, nutrition, exercise, and mindfulness practices, you can create a harmonious and balanced life in tune with the lunar rhythm. Embrace the journey, and let the moon guide you to a deeper sense of well-being.