Welcome back to your New Moon Renewal with The Agenda.Period! With the New Year, everyone has lists written of things they want to explore or grow in this year, so our theme is curiosity!
First, set the mood:
For our theme on curiosity what would feel really good to you in terms of space and comfort? Do you need to head out to the park by your house, climb into your closet or cozy bed? Grab a journal and some coloring goodies. Even burning a candle or incense can help your mind signal to your body that you are allowed to relax and settle in. Allow yourself this time to get settled and not feel like other things are a priority for 15 minutes.
Take a couple of minutes to sit in quiet. Music can also help set the tone, For today, I recommend this lovely music to play in the background as it’s beautiful relaxing music without ads. Check-in with yourself. How does your body feel? You can shake out if you need to, sometimes getting the tension out of your body needs to be moved or stretched out. Try to breathe from your stomach instead of your chest. By placing your hands on your stomach it is easier to know when you are breathing deeply, as your hands will move with your breath. Any thoughts that come into your mind, acknowledge them and let them pass. Give yourself permission to just be in this moment, and not have to do for anyone, including yourself.
Download Aj’s meditation HERE
When you feel centered in your body you can read on:
What does curiosity mean to you? What has been your relationship with curiosity?
Creative Endeavor:
Think of curiosity as a scout. Curiosity can look at an idea and play it through till the end. Many people think curiosity becomes a promise of follow-through. That it is dangerous to ask questions, or a slippery slope. But when we don’t ask, ‘what if’ or ‘what would it be like if…’ we can miss out on growth and change opportunities.
Listen to the meditation HERE to see how curiosity can help you. If you don’t want to listen to the meditation. Grab a piece of paper and envision the question you have, and imagine if you follow one path for 6 months or a year what your life would be like. What issues come up, what is good, what is nourishing? Write it down. Now, imagine the other path, what if you turn down the job, or try painting, what does that path look like? Write down what you can see with no judgment.
Journal prompts: what was your path like? what was curiosity like? What did they look like? How did they make you feel? What was your forest and the fork in the road like? When you looked at the paths what did you notice? 1 year, 5 years? nourishing things? Hard things? what was the other path like? Exciting things? difficult things, what feels unknown or sticky about it? how did you feel letting curiosity go down the path and hearing and seeing everything? Did you mark your place in the path? If so how?
Your Challenge:
*Make a list of ten things you are curious about. Five from your childhood, and five from right now in your life. They might be, ‘what kind of dinosaurs lived where I live now’ or ‘what if my faith is different than I thought it would be’, or even, what if I had blue hair!. This month take one step in exploring one of the things you listed of curiosity. Maybe it’s reading an article, buying a blue hair clip in, or going to your local nature center to learn more about wildlife. Let slow intentional steps guide you in your exploration. We are constantly growing and learning as humans, and curiosity is a part of that. Foster and nourish that part of you and you’ll be rewarded with knowledge and new ideas!
Book recommendations:
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
Love Does by Bob Goff
Each month we’ll release a New Moon Renewal for you to discover something new about yourself, learn about your cycle, and take a moment to pause, breathe, and reflect.
In Joy and Boldness,
Aj Smit is the author of the book Red Thread: Weaving an Embodied Life of Joy, speaker, glitter enthusiast, and professional weaver of Joy. She is a military spouse with a pup, house plants galore, living in S. Korea. Aj has led various Red Tents, retreats, and workshops internationally over the last ten years to help others discover how to weave creativity and curiosity into their lives. You can find her on Facebook and Instagram at @TheJoyWeaver and at TheJoyWeaver.com |