Menstrual Phases as Feminine Archetypes
The Agenda. Team

Written by Colleen Howell, The Cyclical Creatrix

Woman with long dark hair dressed like a queen in long golden dress and a crown. She's sitting on a balcony ledge with greenery behind her. The queen is a common feminine archetype that is often associated with the ovulatory phase.

As menstruating beings, we are continuously moving through a 25-35-day menstrual cycle that can be broken down into four unique phases, mirroring that of the earthly seasons, lunar cycle AND feminine archetypes. 

In our full-spectrum nature, there exist many parts of us that are each unique and necessary to show up as our whole, most authentic, most vibrant selves. 

Today, we will focus in on how our menstrual cycle phases correlate with the feminine archetypes. 

According to Carl Jung, Swiss Psychoanalyst who originally came up with the concept of  archetypes, an archetype is a universally recognizable pattern in the collective unconscious,  deeply rooted across cultures and history. 

The Menstrual Phases x Female Archetypes 

Menstrual Phase (cycle days ~1-7) – the wise woman, the crone 

The menstrual phase is our inner winter, most associated with darkness and death. This is where our inner wise woman or crone resides. Her superpower is her intuition, reflection and  wisdom. Her creativity is more visionary than external. She is better able to see patterns and  gather insights as she deeply rests and goes inward. 

Most western cultures fear the themes of death and darkness. So we see a  widespread repression and deeply held shame around this part of ourselves. Within our  patriarchal, capitalistic society, we have been made to believe that our productivity equates to our value. So to retreat into our darkness and rest feels damaging to our worth. What we learn  from the wise woman or the crone is that it is quite the contrary. 

Follicular Phase (cycle days ~8-13) – the maiden, the virgin 

The follicular phase is our inner spring, most associated with a rebirth or re-emergence of energy and vitality of being very focused, independent, enthusiastic, free, active, and social. This is where our inner maiden or virgin resides. Her superpower is being fun, flirty and  manifesting her reality. Her creativity lies in starting projects, socializing, and overcoming challenges. In learning, physical activity, and getting very clear about what she desires to create or attract. 

Collectively, we have glorified this lighter, brighter, more energetic part of us to a point where  we often feel this is the only way that is acceptable to show up. How potent it is to lean into the superpowers of the maiden or the virgin while also knowing she too is fleeting.

Ovulatory Phase (cycle days ~14) – the mother, the fertile queen 

The ovulatory phase is our inner summer, most associated with peak energy, fertility, creativity  and connection. This is where our inner mother or fertile queen resides. Her superpower is  being receptive, a strong emotional connection, communicating, caregiving, pleasure and  romance. Her creativity lies in her deep connection and caretaking of others. 

Similarly to the follicular phase or maiden archetype, we deeply celebrate this light, bright, energetic, fertile part of us as our society and rightfully so. She is magnificent AND she is also a  mere part of the greater whole. 

Luteal Phase (cycle days ~15-28) – the wild woman, the enchantress 

The luteal phase is our inner autumn, most associated with falling energy levels and slowly  drawing inward. This is where our inner wild woman or enchantress resides. Her superpower  is intuitive energy and introspection. Her creativity lies in her ability to channel her alchemizing,  primal nature to determine what is for her, enacting destructive forces on that which is not. 

This part of us is often most feared within our patriarchal society. The result of this is conditioning that keeps us within the “good girl” box of quiet, pretty and polite. This ultimately creates somatic wounding within us contributing to worsened symptoms of PMS. We have been made to perceive the alchemizing emotions of anger, frustration and rage that can be alive during this time to be inappropriate, unacceptable and too much – ultimately unworthy of love. This is where we change that. 

Let us give ourselves permission to show up as the most full, authentic version of ourselves. The light and dark, summer and winter, wise woman and maiden, deeply connected to our bodies and the cyclical wisdom within us, trusting them to guide us to our vibrant wholeness.

Image of Colleen Howell sitting on a big rock with trees in the background. She has long dark curly hair and is wearing a green romper. This is a blog post Colleen wrote about how the menstrual cycle phases correlate with feminine archetypes.

Colleen Howell is The Cyclical Creatrix. She is a Certified Hormone Health Specialist and Somatic Healing Coach. Her work educates and empowers vulva-owners to nourish mind, body and soul so that they may return home to themselves, heal and thrive. Learn more about her work and offerings at

Photo of royal woman by Alice Alinari on Unsplash.