Cycle Syncing for your Business: 4 Phases Overview
You can use cycle syncing for your business, work, & life! How familiar are you with your cycle? Most people that hear “menstrual cycle,” only think about the bleed. But the menstrual cycle is actually SO much more than that! Instead of the few days that you bleed it’s the entire cycle from the first day of bleeding, to the first day of your next period! This cycle is split up into 4 unique phases. The phases occur based on changes in the dominant hormones during that part of the cycle.
Here’s a bit of a rundown for work, business, and life…
Menstrual (Inner Winter)
This is the first phase of your cycle. This is when you bleed. You may feel more internal, withdrawn, and crave cozy surroundings. Your body is working hard, so you may feel less energy and motivation during this phase. This is a great time for meditation, planning, and setting goals! Read more about the menstrual phase.
Follicular (Inner Spring)
This is the 2nd phase of your cycle. Your bleed is done and your body is preparing for ovulation. You may start to feel more external, craving connection with others. Your energy and mood will likely be rising and it’s common to feel happy and confident. This is a great time to check off your to-do list! Read more about the follicular phase.
Ovulation (Inner Summer)
This is the 3rd phase of your cycle. Your body releases an egg in this phase. You are likely to feel on top of the world at this time. You may feel extra sexy and more willing to take risks. We release pheromones and our faces are more symmetrical in this phase. This is a great time to ask for a raise! Read more about the ovulation phase.
Luteal (Inner Fall)
This is the last and longest phase of your cycle. Your body is preparing for a possible pregnancy. This is a phase that gets a bad rap! This is when you may have PMS and mood swings. You may notice that you are more sensitive and more likely to have self-doubt in this phase. What’s great about the luteal phase is you will likely be more organized and detail oriented. You may be more connected to what is / is not working in your life and at work. This helps you to create new goals for your next cycle. This is a great time for reflection and organization! Read more about the luteal phase.
Cycle Syncing for your business (and life!) isn’t just fun… it reduces stress and overwhelming feelings. When you begin to schedule your life around the strengths of the 4 phases everything changes.
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