At The Agenda. we love period books! Books are a great way to learn new information on going with ‘the flow’ of our lives and cycles. Here are some of our favorites!

Moon Time by Lucy Pearce
One of our favorite books is Moon Time, which helps create an archetypal framework for you to lean into. Discover your Maiden, Mother, Wild Woman, and Crone through your cycle through art, journaling, and meditation exercises. She also gives insights into gathering with other women during your period or in Red Tents. There is also many activities to use your cycle to tune into your creativity.

WomanCode: Perfect Your Cycle, Amplify Your Fertility, Supercharge Your Sex Drive, and Become a Power Source by Alisa Vitti
The best part about this book is how Alisa weaves science into every page. If you’ve wondered how your hormones fluctuate and how food impacts you at different parts of your cycle, this book is an absolute game-changer.

Reaching for the Moon Lucy Pearce
This book is perfect for your pre-teen daughter about to get their period. Similar to Moon Time, this book simplifies its teachings in an easy-to-digest format. It shares great tools that combine science and old wives’ tales that work to help your daughter embrace her cycle and herself.

Code Red: Know Your Flow, Unlock Your Superpowers, and Create a Bloody Amazing Life. Period. by Lisa Lister
You’ll love this book if you lean a little on the witchy-woo side. Lisa creates a road map to understanding and honoring your body and yoni as a temple. One of our favorite parts of this book is the SHE Flow Yoga practices that help you feel less like a pretzel and more like you have ways to channel how you feel throughout your cycle.

Wild Power: Discover the Magic of Your Menstrual Cycle and Awaken the Feminine Path to Power By Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer and Alexandra Pope
This book contains maps that “guide you through the energies, tasks, and challenges presented as you journey through each cycle.” They are both the creators of Red School, which teaches people how to embrace their menstrual cycle and the magic that comes with it. These two ladies also write other period books such as The Wild Genie. This book also teaches you “How to work with your cycle to channel spiritual forces, affirm your expression in the world and achieve a deep sense of belonging.”