How to Make a Period Bag
Have you ever heard of a go bag? Or a car bag? Perhaps you have a scarf, spare shoes, and blanket in the car next to your First Aid kit. Well, you can make a period bag. A period bag can be a small or big tote bag you keep near you or in your car in case of emergencies. Let’s explore what you can pack in your period bag!
Period Products
Do you swear by period cups? Or certain organic cotton tampons? Do you adore your reusable period underwear and think pads feel clunky? Or believe the regular with wings super absorbent pads are the best because they don’t make sounds you can feel when you walk? We hear you.
There’s a moment of panic when you realize you have none of your go-to’s and are bleeding faster than you can think, and then the tampon you receive from a friend is a super tampon with the cardboard inserter. You can feel your uterus cramping even harder in protest when they hand it to you. You can avoid this by packing just a few items in your period bag. You may keep all your period products at home but have two cups. Keep one in the car and one at home; that way, whether you are out on the town or just woke up, you’ll have what you need and don’t have to deal with the dreaded answer to your, “Hey, do you have anything I could use?” question.
Spare Clothing
We’ve all been there. Your period shouldn’t come for a few days, and then BAM! You are in your cute outfit and non-period-appropriate underwear, and you can’t get to the bathroom quickly enough before you’ve bled through. Having a spare pair of underwear and pants or a cute dress in your bag can be helpful in case of an emergency. The old-fashioned jacket wrapped around the waist is always an option as well.
Are you craving a whole steak? Or an entire chocolate shake, but there’s no Steak & Shake in sight? Pack some protein-loaded granola bars, dried fruit, or snacks you love. Don’t pack anything that will expire within a few weeks; you’ll use this bag only when you bleed. So eat your banana now; otherwise, your bag will smell like the weird fruit bread in your Aunt’s fridge in a month.
Mood Shifters
Sometimes your period sweeps your feet out from under you, and you just want to yell at the world. Having some things in your bag that make you smile can help shift your mood to help you have a better day. This may look like coloring books, incense, a book, a soft blanket, tea, or a hot pad.
Whether Pamprin, Motrin, or something else, sometimes you need a little something extra for the pain. There are also period patches now like Jovi, which are reusable, or 8-12 hour ones like these from The Good Patch. A hot pack that you can peel and stick or wrap around your waist is also a great call to put in your bag.
Have fun making your bag!
Let us know in the comments below what you put in your period bag! Please send us pictures and tag us on Facebook at The Agenda! Remember, you can use our App to help track your period and sync your life with it!