Leveraging Your Hormones For Cycle Support
Did you know that you can use your hormones to work for you, not against you? You can find a cycle support strategy that fits your flow and sets you up for success!
First, it’s important to understand what goes on during our menstrual cycle, because unfortunately, every single day is different!
On a typical 28 day cycle there are 4 different phases. Below you will find each phase broken down to what happens hormonally and how you can use your hormones to work for you.
Menstrual Phase (Day 1=day you start your period) up to 7 days:
Cycle Powers: Evaluation, Analysis and Intuition
What to focus on at work:
- Evaluate how you are doing with your current career or a project you are working on
- Reassess your goals (perhaps re-visit your planner)
- Analyze your last month or upcoming month as far as goals are concerned
- Take a personal day (perhaps day 1 or 2 of your cycle)
- Trust your gut during this phase.
- Take lots of breaks. Your body is going through a lot and cycle support is key during this phase.
What exercises your hormones will love:
- Yoga
- Stretching
- Walking
- Pilates
What foods your hormones crave:
- Nutrient dense foods
- Warmer foods
- Focus on berries, red meat, beans
Follicular Phase (Days 8-13)
Cycle Powers: Creativity and Planning; estrogen is rising–let’s use estrogen’s effects on the brain!
What to focus on at work:
- Mentally challenging tasks that you have been dreading because it uses so much brain power!
- Plan a new project
- Reach out to new clients
- Brainstorm/mind-map
What exercises your hormones will love:
- Running
- Hiking
- Biking
What foods your hormones crave:
- Similar to menstrual phase, but adding in more nutrients such as flax, pumpkin, chia seeds
Ovulatory Phase (Days 14-16)
Cycle Powers: Collaboration and Communication; estrogen is at its peak!
What to focus on at work:
- Have important conversations because your communication skills are at it’s best
- Ex: ask for a raise!
- Plan your social media posts, blog posts
- Record videos during this phase because energy is at its peak (hello testosterone and estrogen!)
- Attend networking events
- Host a webinar or live event
- Looking for a new job? Go on job interviews!
What exercises your hormones will love:
- Boot camps
- Boxing
What foods your hormones crave:
- Cold/raw foods (the heat is up during this phase!)
- Fiber to flush out estrogen
- Lighter foods
Luteal Phase (Days 17-28)
Cycle Powers: Productivity (I call this the “Get Sh*t Done Phase!)
What to focus on at work:
- Get those to-do list items done
- Aim for less social events so you can focus on getting work done and the menstrual phase is knocking on the door so you don’t want to over-exert yourself.
- Organize your life.
What exercises your hormones will love:
- Strength training
- Yoga
- Pilates
What foods your hormones crave:
- Increase your calories, but watch those cravings!
- Slow burning carbs (sweet potatoes, brown rice)
- Protein
- Healthy fats
- Dark leafy greens
So, are you ready to start using your hormones to work for you! Using tools like The Agenda. App can help streamline this process and support your goals. There’s tons of cycle support options out there. Give one a try, your hormones will thank you!!
All posts and information provided within this blog is for informational and educational purposes only, and is not to be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken solely on the contents of this blog. Please consult your doctor or qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health and well-being or on any opinions expressed within this blog.